#RECEPTION#ERASMOUS +/ 2018-1-EL01-KA101-047178:«From Pre-School to Primary School: A Great Step in a safe and familiar embrace»

Ρesponsible teacher: Mrs. Marianthi  Oikonomou 

1st action: Getting acquainted with the lesson of Physical Education

On Tuesday,12th  June  2018, the Physical Education Teacher, Mrs. Marianthi  Oikonomou, invited the infants during the Physical Education lesson with the 2nd  grade to get in touch with one of the new lessons to be taught during the new school year .

They were separated into couples (a 2nd grade child and a toddler) and played balloon cooperation games. The children had to move around the school yard, holding the balloon with several points in their body (head with a head, hand by hand, right foot with left foot, back to back …), following a specific route. A key prerequisite for success was their close cooperation to prevent the balloon from falling down. Then they exchanged passages with their pair using each other and a different body member according to the instructions (forehead, palm, knee, etc.).

2nd action: Infants participation in the final sports and cultural events of the school

The first contact of infants with the lesson of the education and the gymnast was incredibly entertaining and the infants expressed the desire to play the same game again. The gymnast therefore suggested and the infants accepted to repeat it with 2nd  grade children, two days later, on 14 June 2018, in the context of sports and cultural events at the end of the school year of our school.

The events were attended for the first time with the whole school by the infants and their parents. The game they showed excited the audience and they were applauded.

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